Go Green in Your Reno Apartments

Do you care about the earth and its environment, in terms of it being sustainable? If so, consider going green in your Reno apartments. It’s a great way to show that you care and that you’re willing to make little steps towards making a big difference. The great thing about going green is that you may also get to save some money on utilities as well. Here are some tips for going green in your Reno apartments.

1. Keep recyclables and trash separate. This should come as a no-brainer, but it really does make a difference in the big picture, even if it feels a tad inconvenient.
2. Grow your own fruits, veggies, and seasoning. This is a great way to be self-sustainable without relying on gasoline to take you to the market every time you want or need a little something to spice up what you’re eating. Plus, if you have your little pots in a corner of your apartments, you may inspire your guests to begin doing the same.
3. Be conscientious about how much waste you leave behind. If there are any ways for you to cut down on napkins, plastic utensils, and plastic plates, that would be ideal. The greater the amount of waste you leave behind, the bigger impact you leave on the already polluted world. Try using regular dishes and utensils, even during parties or get-togethers, to do your part and save the environment.
4. Be wary of how much electricity you use. This is especially true if you’re home for long hours of the day or you work from home. Sometimes you may be using a ton of lights when you can just open your curtains and use natural daylight. Think of how much you’d be saving on your utilities by doing this too!

How will you make your Reno apartments greener? Let us know in the comments.