Back to School Tips To Prepare Your Reno Apartment

Back To School Reno ApartmentA new school year is upon us and for many of us, that means less time enjoying the outdoors and more time in your Reno apartment studying and doing schoolwork. 

To help you stay productive while studying from home, we have compiled some essential back to school tips for staying focused at home.

Create a Dedicated Study Space

Creating a calming atmosphere with minimal distractions in your Reno apartment is key to getting your schoolwork done! Be certain that you have everything you need, including snacks, a calculator, pens, and paper.  Some other supplies that you may need are: noise-canceling headphones, a spiral notebook, index cards, folders, paper clips, and tissues.

Create a Study Schedule

Creating a study schedule is essential for studying from your Reno apartment. Set a start and end time to your day and tasks. Using a countdown timer can help with time management and can help you achieve your goals.

Schedule Health Care Time

It is important to take time away from your schoolwork to exercise good self-care! Start with the fundamentals like healthy food and exercise. Take at least 20 minutes each day for aerobic activity by walking on the trails near your Riverside Park apartment in Reno. Meditation is important to help stay focused, find time to sit, relax, and enjoy the beautiful river views.

Stay Organized

Keeping your apartment and schedule organized can help lessen the stress associated with studying from home. You can purchase some inexpensive containers to place schoolwork and supplies once you have finished studying for the day! A whiteboard, chalkboard, or bulletin board is key to keeping track of deadlines, course schedules, tests, and Zoom meetings! 

These helpful back to school tips for studying from home will ensure that the upcoming school year will be enjoyable, successful, and productive!